
EV Nova
Pirate Walkthrough

Walkthrough Index

Pirate 1 (693): Pick Up Cargo From Sol
Pirate 2 (694): Take Cargo to Misfire
Pirate Link (879): silent money misn
Pirate Link (817): Meet with Your Uncle Olaf
Pirate 1 (810): Pick Up Cargo From Sol
Pirate 2 (840): Take Cargo to Misfire
Pirate 3 (695): Take Cargo to SD3
Pirate 4 (696): Speak to Dace
Pirate 4 (841): Speak to Dace
Pirate 5 (697): Meet With Rebels
Pirate Link (783): Meet With Merrol DockMaster
Pirate 5A (698): Rebel Food Drop
Pirate 5Ai (699): Regular Food Run
Pirate Link (819): Drop By Merrol Bar
Pirate 5B (700): Rebel Equipment Drop
Pirate 5Bi (701): Regular Equipment Run
Pirate Link (819): Drop By Merrol Bar
Pirate 5C (702): Rescue Agent
Pirate 5Ci (703): Rescue Rebel
Pirate Link (819): Drop By Merrol Bar
Pirate 5D (704): Rebel Insertion
Pirate 5Di (705): Rebel Insertion
Pirate 6 (706): Pick Up Blind Charlie
Pirate 7 (707): Pick Up Sven Fjordnham
Pirate Link (805): Return to Viking with Sven
Pirate 8 (708): Pick Up Ferret and Dizzy
Pirate Link (806): Return to Viking with Ferret and Dizzy
Pirate 9 (709): Investigate Incidents
Pirate Link (807): Set Up Trap
Pirate 10 (710): Set and Launch Trap
Pirate Storyline Penultimate missionbit change cron (375)
Pirate 11 (712): Destroy McGowan
Pirate Offshoot 1 (300): Rescue Tomak
Pirate Offshoot 1a (720): Rescue Tomak
Pirate Offshoot 1b (719): Rescue Tomak
Pirate Offshoot 2 (721): Pick Up Cargo
Pirate Offshoot 2a (722): Pick Up Cargo
Pirate Offshoot 3 (723): Pick Up Engine Upgrades
Pirate Offshoot 3b (724): Beat on 'Daring' Dan McGraw
  Ship Done
Pirate Offshoot 3c (725): Return With Upgrades
Pirate Offshoot 3d (727): McGraw Family Revenge
Pirate Offshoot 3bi (726): Beat On Skinny
Pirate Offshoot 4 (728): Pick Up Alloy from Lodestone
Pirate Offshoot 4a (729): Locate Ryan's Last Chance
Pirate Offshoot 4b (730): Rescue Dr Ralph's Family

Walkthrough Index Last Update: 2/19/2003

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