EV Nova
Vell-os Walkthrough
Vell-os 1 (128): Delivery to Earth |
Available from: Any Inhabited Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: Sol (130) |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 8%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 5 tons ± 50% |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Vell-os (136)
Comp Legal Reward: 0 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
Take [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system. Payment is 15000 credits.
AvailBits: !(b511 | b515) & !b350
OnSuccess: b350 b6666
OnShipDone: |
Generic misn delay cron (221) |
Pre-Holdoff: 1 day
OnEnd: !b6666 |
Vell-os 2 (129): Visit Vell-os Homeworld |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: Vellos (408) in Vellos (424)
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Vell-os (136)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: Refusing this mission leads to the Polaris storyline. |
Offer Text
As you wander around the spaceport after landing you are slightly surprised to see the same Vell-os who walked past you as you were unloading a delivery you made to Earth not so long ago.
"Greetings, [Player Name]," he begins in an almost lyrical accent. "We have been keeping an eye on you, and it has now reached the point where I have been given no choice but to approach you. Are you prepared to help us out?"
Something in his voice, and in the way the whole area seems to stand still, tells you that this is no simple request, and you get a deep feeling of foreboding about the choices in front of you, and you hesitate for several moments before making a decision...
Do you agree to help him?
AvailBits: !(b511 | b515) & ((b350 & !b6666) & !(b351 | b4444))
OnAccept: b511
OnRefuse: S781 b4444
OnSuccess: b351 S797 b512 b515 b518
OnFailure: !b511
OnAbort: !b511 b4444 S781
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (797): Talk to Fllyraen |
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Vell-os 3 (130): Return to Earth for Training |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: Accepting this mission restricts purchasing and mission selection until the end of the Vell-os storyline. Successful completion grants T5 rank, abilities and Vell-os Area Map. |
Offer Text
You are surprised to feel a tap on your shoulder as you exit your ship, and you turn to see the traditional long hair of a Vell-os standing some meters away off to your right beckoning you over.
"Sorry to have startled you," he apologizes hurriedly, "but I do not have much time. I am Fllyraen, and I have felt you in Llyrell's thought-forms. You are the first non-Polaris human who has the potential to be a very powerful telepath, perhaps even a T0.
"Let me explain," he says, obviously aware of your confusion. "Most humans are T6's, only peripherally aware of the power of the mind. T5's are capable of observing and influencing the thoughts of others, T4's have the ability to produce physical force using their minds alone, such as poking someone on the shoulder to get their attention."
He waggles his finger at you, and he is about to continue when out from around the side of your ship burst a group of four men and one woman, all clothed in black, carrying deadly looking blasters.
AvailBits: b351 & !(b352 | b4444)
OnAccept: b424
OnSuccess: b352 K131 b44 G251 G205 S818
OnAbort: !b424
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (818): Drop By Kane Band Bar |
Vell-os 4 (131): Infiltrate the Rebels |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Rebel II (421) in Koria (483) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Rebellion (141)
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 0 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
When you walk into the bar a young soldier stands up and indicates that you should follow him. You can sense that he works with the Bureau, and without thinking you obey his non-verbal command. You are shepherded into a room that has a single spotlight facing the door.
"I'm sure you can appreciate the reasons behind our security precautions," begins a lovely female voice. "It just wouldn't do for anyone to find out any more about the Bureau than they already have."
As you sit, listening to her chair creak as she shifts her weight, your mind strains to make sense of the jumble of sensations in front of you. In a sudden flash of recognition you realize that there is another, more experienced, telepath in the room confusing your senses.
"As far as you are concerned, I am Commander Krane," she continues. "I want you to do something for us."
AvailBits: b352 & !b353
OnAccept: k148 A818
OnSuccess: b353 S783
OnAbort: S818
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (783): Meet With Merrol DockMaster |
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Vell-os 5 (142): Rebel Food Drop |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: Las Vegas (140) in Vega (137)
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Ship Location: Vega (137) |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You ask the barmaid to point out the off-duty dockmaster, and she points out a stocky fellow enjoying a quiet drink.
He looks up as your shadow falls across his table. "What can I do for you?" he asks politely.
You explain your situation, saying that you were directed here to do something useful for the Rebellion that doesn't require you to have an enormous security clearance. He looks at you and runs his hand through his graying hair. You can sense his shrewd mind calculating the risks you pose to the security of his operation.
"Well, we could use some help getting foodstuffs onto the planet," he muses. He goes on to explain, "The Bureau is trying to starve us out of the Federation, and people's belts are starting to look a little tighter.
"Are you willing to become a freight courier?"
You realize you have no choice but to accept.
AvailBits: b353 & !b354
OnAccept: !b9333 !b9334
OnSuccess: b354 S819
OnAbort: b9333 b9334
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 5a (143): Regular Food Run |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: Las Vegas (140) in Vega (137)
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Ship Location: Vega (137) |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 85%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: Repeating mission. |
Offer Text
Jay needs you to get [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and bring it back to [Return Stellar]. Payment is 15000 credits.
AvailBits: b354 & !b361
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (819): Drop By Merrol Bar |
Vell-os 6 (144): Rebel Equipment Drop |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: Menin (149) in Lesten (167)
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Ship Location: Lesten (167) |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You sense Jay's shrewd intelligence and happy outlook, but decide against looking in his direction so as not to risk revealing your telepathic capabilities.
"Captain [Player Name]!" you hear yelled from the back of the bar when he finally notices you. "Over here!"
You turn towards the voice and see him sitting enjoying a drink. He kicks out a chair at his table and indicates that you should join him with a grin.
"I've been told to move you up the chain," he begins smiling, "but don't get carried away," he cautions. "It is only a small step up from food drops to equipment drops. What it does mean is that some of the head sheds have noticed you. If you keep this up, before long you will be up there with the best of them."
Jay leans forward resting his heavily muscled arms on the table as he asks more seriously, "...that is, if you're still interested?"
You realize you have no choice but to accept.
AvailBits: b354 & !b355
OnAccept: A819
OnSuccess: b355 S819
OnAbort: S819
OnShipDone: |
Vellos6a (145): Regular Equipment Run; Vellos6a |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: Menin (149) in Lesten (167)
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Ship Location: Lesten (167) |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 70%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: Repeating mission. |
Offer Text
Jay needs you to get [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and bring it back to [Return Stellar]. Payment is 25000 credits
AvailBits: b355 & !b361
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (819): Drop By Merrol Bar |
Vell-os 7 (146): Rescue Agent |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 35000
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 4 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
Once again you can sense the good nature and shrewd intelligence of Jay before you see him, but again you decide not to look in his direction to hide your abilities. That is, until you feel him trying to gain your attention.
You casually look over to see Jay waving his hand at you as he sits in his normal place.
You sit down and he grins at you.
"If you were going to start betraying the Rebellion," he says in jest, "now would be the time you could start."
You quickly probe his mind, and you sense that his comment is just an attempt at humor.
"The head-sheds have decided to move you up a little further," he continues quietly. "They want you to go and pick up a Rebel informant who believes that she has been compromised. Are you in, or do you need a little more time to prepare?"
Once again, you realize you have no choice but to accept.
AvailBits: b355 & !b356
OnAccept: A819
OnSuccess: b356 S798 S819
OnAbort: S819
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (798): Report Back In |
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Vell-os Link (819): Drop By Merrol Bar |
Vell-os 8 (147): Receive Instructions from Krane |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Federation (128)
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You feel a familiar tap on your shoulder and you turn to see a young soldier who informs you that you have to go to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system. Commander Krane will meet you there.
At the mention of her name, a nameless dread rises up in your stomach, and once again you realize the hopelessness of your situation. As they have done so many times already in your short time of enslavement, the dark bands that enclose your mind twist you into thoughtlessly obeying the commands given to you.
AvailBits: b356 & !b510
OnSuccess: b357 b510
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 8a (148): Rescue Rebel |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 1 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
Another rebel agent has reported in that he might have been compromised and needs extracting.
AvailBits: (b357 & b510) & !(b358 | b361)
OnSuccess: b358
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 9 (149): Insert Bureau Agent |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141) |
Ship Location: Return Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 35000
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you sit in the bar enjoying a quiet drink you sense the approach of a man with the distinctive mind of someone who has been recently trained as a Bureau agent. When you look up you are startled to see a man who appears to be the rebel agent you just brought in casually walk into the bar. You quickly realize that he is just a Bureau agent surgically modified to look like the person you captured. He spots you and comes over.
"You are [Player Name], Captain of the [Ship Name]?" he asks and you nod slowly. "I believe that you are supposed to take me to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system. I'm ready to go when you are."
In despair you stand up, leaving the rest of your drink unfinished, and the both of you head towards your ship.
AvailBits: b358
OnAccept: A819
OnSuccess: b359 !b358
OnAbort: S819
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 10 (193): Rebel Insertion |
Available from: Merrol (171) in Aldebaran (141)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Rebellion (141)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
Once again you wait for Jay to try to gain your attention before looking in his direction to see Jay waving his hand as he sits in his normal place with a young slightly overweight woman next to him.
You sit down and he grins at you.
"The guys at HQ want to move you another link up the chain," he says in earnest, "it looks like you're on your way."
He gives you a wink.
"Realistically though," he continues sardonically, "your next step isn't any different from your last step. But think of it as another rung passed to make it to the top. Are you in, or do you need a little more time to settle yourself in?"
With despair in your heart, you nod your acceptance.
AvailBits: b359 & !b360
OnSuccess: b360 S798
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (798): Report Back In |
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Vell-os 11 (194): Learn the Rules... |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Federation (128)
Comp Govt.: Vell-os (136)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: Accepting this mission grants T4 rank, abilities and Telekinetic Boost. |
Offer Text
You can sense Llyrell waiting for you long before you dock with the Kane Band. As soon as you exit the ship you watch him weave his mind power into physical existence and feel him poke you on the shoulder. After taking a moment to think about it you clumsily mimic his actions and poke him back.
<good now you are a t4 you are a small step closer to feeling your way out of bondage but right now we have something important to discuss fllyraen has been ordered to tell you the rules so i am telling you to go and see him on wolf 359>
You move to the sidewalk bench where Lyrell is sitting and sit down next to him before responding that you have received no such orders. Suddenly you feel an enormous pressure on your mind that freezes you into your seat.
<you may be powerful one day but i have my orders and you will obey them because you have no choice>
<now GO>
AvailBits: b360 & !b423
OnAccept: L131 K132 G206 D205 G338
OnSuccess: b423 b6666
OnShipDone: |
Generic misn delay cron (221) |
Pre-Holdoff: 1 day
OnEnd: !b6666 |
Vell-os 12 (195): Scout Moash Space |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: Moash (380) in Moash (366)
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you step off your ship you see a {G"stunning" "well-presented"} blonde waving you over towards her.
"Good to see you again," she says and you realize you are talking to Commander Krane in person. "Now that you have been made aware of the rules, I don't think that there is any need for me to hide my identity from you any longer."
She indicates that you should sit on the park-bench next to her and you comply. She pulls out a datapad and calls up a display of what appears to be a very detailed map of Auroran space.
"We have been working out the details of a long-range plan," she explains, "that involves the Aurorans. Our preparations are nearing completion and we want to confirm that our intel on the political situation amongst our neighbors is correct. Of course, the other reason I want you to go is because I am going to be sending you on a number of missions amongst the Aurorans, and this is an easy way for you to familiarize yourself.
"You're going to be taking a short jaunt into the Auroran Empire."
AvailBits: b423 & !(b361 | b6666)
OnSuccess: b361
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 13 (196): Distract Moash House |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: Courageous (379) in Moash Rep (365)
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: Escort |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Family Moash (131) and Allies
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You see the Federation soldier who is your normal contact to Krane motion you over to his table. He points towards the rear door, telling you to go straight through. Mystified, you comply, and after a long gray corridor you go through a second door and you are greeted by the {G"stunning" "disgustingly attractive"} Commander Krane.
"Glad you came by," she grins as you walk in. "We need someone to go down to Moash space and cause a bit of a ruckus. You won't be on your own, but seeing as you've been down to the area you are the ideal scout for such a mission. So you'll be leading a force of men into the area."
AvailBits: b361 & !b362
OnAccept: S905 S606
OnSuccess: b362 A905 A606
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (905): pay player misn |
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50,000 |
Vell-os 14 (197): Learn About Vell-os |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: Vell-os (136)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: Accepting this mission grants T3 rank, abilities, Distract Sensors, Physical Sense, Hostility Sense, Flower of Spring and Vell-os Dart. |
Offer Text
As soon as you land you can sense Llyrell waiting for you and quickly go through your post-flight routine before disembarking from your ship and making your way over to meet him.
<it is time to show you how to travel follow me>
You cannot help but feel a little excitement as he leads you to the spacedock and out onto a vacant pad where he immediately forms a protective barrier around himself, and you recognize the familiar shape of the Vell-os Dart. As you continue to observe he shows you how to focus your mental energy into an elegant beam of pure physical power.
After allowing his newly created ship to dissolve around him he guides your mind into new ways of manipulating the universe around you. Within a few minutes you learn the basics behind twisting missile guidance systems against themselves, how to sense the physical size of ships around you as well as their intent towards you and how to reach out with your mind to learn more about the general nature about nearby systems.
Finally he teaches you how to twist the space around you to create a hole through which you can enter hyperspace and travel the spaceways.
AvailBits: b423 & !b422
OnAccept: b422 L132 K133 H381 G221 G249 g252 g253 T25040 b9812 L148 G207 D206
OnAbort: !b422 !b9812
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 15 (198): Talk to Moash Elders |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Moash (380) in Moash (366) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Vell-os Dart (381)
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Family Moash (131)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: You must complete both of the preceding branches for this mission to become available. |
Offer Text
You sense that the Federation soldier who is your normal contact to Krane is waiting for you to arrive. He points towards the rear door, telling you to go straight through. You nod and head down the long gray corridor to Krane's new office.
"Things are moving along nicely," she informs you with her {G"amazing" "breathy"} voice when walk in. "The Federation forces are basically in complete control of Moash space. We are ready to begin the next phase of the operation.
"You see," she explains quietly, "we want to subvert the entire Auroran Empire so that we can make use of its enormous resources. But we could never do it by force alone. We need help from within Empire so that we can at least have a little control over the events we want to instigate. And now that we have control of Moash space and have taken the Moash elders prisoner, we are now in a position of power to bargain with the First Family in order to get them on side.
"It's time for you to start playing diplomat."
AvailBits: b362 & !b363
OnSuccess: b363
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 16 (199): Return With Response |
Available from: Moash (380) in Moash (366)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: -1
Ship Type: Vell-os Dart (381)
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: Family Moash (131)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
After no more than about ten minutes of waiting in the somewhat stiff and unfriendly company of a few Federation soldiers based here, you sense one of the Moash House Elders walking towards you in between two heavily armed and alert soldiers. They quickly spot you when they finally enter the spaceport, and then make their way over.
"We have talked it over," the old Moash warrior informs you, "and the Moash House has accepted the Bureau's proposal."
You nod and thank him for his time, and you tell him that you will relay that information back to your superiors. You tell him that you will return with further instructions.
You nod to the soldiers around you and begin mentally preparing yourself for your journey back to [Return Stellar] to report to the terrible Commander Krane.
AvailBits: b363 & !b364
OnSuccess: b364 b6666
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os ActionMan 1 (849): Eliminate Traitor |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Adjacent Sÿst to Initial Sÿst |
Ship Goal: Destroy |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 45%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Federation (128) and Allies
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Optional repeating mission. |
Offer Text
From: Bureau HQ
To: Vell-os #4123207-G
A known traitor to the Federation has stolen a ship and is attempting to escape the Bureau by passing through this area of space. Nobody escapes from the Bureau.
AvailBits: (b424 & b422) & !b367
OnSuccess: b5762
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os ActionMan 2 (850): Capture Traitor |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Adjacent Sÿst to Initial Sÿst |
Ship Goal: Board |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Federation (128) and Allies
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Optional repeating mission. |
Offer Text
From: Bureau HQ
To: Vell-os #4123207-G
A known traitor to the Federation has stolen a ship and is attempting to escape the Bureau by passing through this area of space. Nobody escapes from the Bureau.
AvailBits: (b422 & b5762) & b424
OnSuccess: b5763
OnShipDone: |
Generic misn delay cron (221) |
Pre-Holdoff: 1 day
OnEnd: !b6666 |
Vell-os 17 (318): Deliver Instructions |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Moash (380) in Moash (366)
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Vell-os Dart (381)
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Family Moash (131)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: Successful completion of this mission grants Summer Bloom. |
Offer Text
You can sense Commander Krane waiting for you just around the corner, and you cannot help but smile when you notice that nearly every male head in the bar keeps turning surreptitiously in her direction. Chuckling to yourself at their naivete, you make your way over to her.
"How are things?" she asks with a radiant smile when you sit down opposite her. You shrug your shoulders nonplussed. "Well, I'm glad I managed to catch up with you, as I have another mission that needs your skills.
"I need someone to take an encrypted message pod down to the Moash elders containing instructions on what they should be doing in the coming months," she tells you in a lowered voice as she leans forward, "and right now my resources are spread a little thin throughout the galaxy, so you're it."
AvailBits: b364 & !(b365 | b6666)
OnSuccess: b365 G222 b6666
OnShipDone: |
Generic misn delay cron (221) |
Pre-Holdoff: 1 day
OnEnd: !b6666 |
Vell-os 18 (319): Deliver Further Instructions |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Moash (380) in Moash (366)
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Vell-os Dart (381)
Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Family Moash (131)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As soon as you walk in you spot the {G"beautiful" "blonde-haired"} Commander Krane sitting at a table trying to fend off an unwanted male suitor. You make your way over quickly in the hope that you can discourage him enough so that Krane will forget the incident and let him live.
"There you are!" she exclaims smiling before turning back to the man. "I'm sorry, but my business associate has arrived, and we must speak in private. Could you excuse us for a moment?"
The man takes one long look at you before nodding slightly sullenly and heading back to the bar to buy a drink. Your hopes sink when you sense Krane filing the incident away to be dealt with after you leave.
"He's lucky you turned up when you did," she informs you icily and you laugh. She shakes off her bad mood. "I have another message that needs to get to the Moash. That means you get to play courier again."
AvailBits: b365 & !(b366 | b6666)
OnSuccess: b366 b6666
OnShipDone: |
Generic misn delay cron (221) |
Pre-Holdoff: 1 day
OnEnd: !b6666 |
Vell-os 19 (320): Meet With Krane |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Vell-os Dart (381)
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Polaris (130) and Classmates
Comp Govt.: Vell-os (136)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: Accepting this mission grants T2 rank, abilities, and Vell-os Arrow. |
Offer Text
You sense Llyrell observing you as you glide your way in to dock, and you send out a small weave to acknowledge his presence.
You follow his intelligence as it dances out into the surrounding space and begins weaving a shell which you quickly recognize as being a Vell-os Arrow, and within moments you grasp the basics of it. When he sees that you have understood the lesson he returns to his body.
<you have definitely proved yourself to be a t2 i think that it will not be long before you reach t1 as i have your strength and skill is growing and it will not be long before you rival even me>
AvailBits: b366 & !(b367 | b6666)
OnAccept: L133 K134 H382 T25041 G209 D207
OnSuccess: b367
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 20 (321): Find Mu'hari HQ |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: Mu'ar Haro (267) in Mu'hari (245)
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You walk straight past the soldier who is the normal contact and down the passageway at the rear of the bar because you can sense Krane waiting for you and you simply cannot be bothered dealing with the middle man.
"Getting a little cocky are we?" asks Krane icily when you enter. "You will observe proper procedure every time you wish to see me, understood?"
You nod without thinking.
"Good, now down to business," she continues in a more moderate tone. "We have recently discovered that the Polaris have an intelligence organization that has managed to infiltrate into the Federation, and possibly the Bureau for the past few years without our knowledge. We want you to find their headquarters before returning here."
AvailBits: b367 & !b368
OnSuccess: b368 b90
OnShipDone: S809 |
Vell-os 21 (322): Confirm Mu'hari |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You can sense the deceitful mind of Commander Krane waiting for you so as soon as you enter the bar you make your way over to her.
"Remember the problem we've got with the Mu'hari?" she asks quietly once you sit down. You nod as the familiar feeling of depression settles over you when you realize you are about to start destroying another group of people for the Bureau. "Well, we need to know a little more about them before we can formulate any real plan of action.
"Now, we've located a lady we believe to be a Mu'hari," Krane explains as she passes over a datafile containing several pictures of a slim, young-looking brunette. "She is currently living on Earth and I want you to go and confirm whether or not she is a Mu'hari spy and then make a report to Bureau Headquarters on New England in the [Return System] system.
"And don't dally," she warns quietly, "we need this information as fast as possible."
AvailBits: b368 & !b369
OnSuccess: b369
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 21a (323-327,355-359): Confirm Mu'hari |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 30% - 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 1-2 |
Notes: Repeating mission. Travel locations also include Earth (128) in Sol (130), Spacedock II (133) in Tichel (129), New Babylon (134) in Nesre Primus (132), Spacedock III (136) in Alphara (131), Port Kane (137) in Kania (128), Las Vegas (140) in Vega (137), Spacedock IV (142) in Nesre Primus (132), and Spacedock V (150) in Nesre Secundus (133). |
Offer Text
The Bureau have located another person that they suspect is a Mu'hari spy.
AvailBits: b369 & !b370
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 22 (360): Confirm Mu'hari |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 30%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
The Bureau have located another person that they suspect is a Mu'hari spy.
AvailBits: b369 & !b370
OnSuccess: b370 b6666
OnShipDone: |
Generic misn delay cron (221) |
Pre-Holdoff: 1 day
OnEnd: !b6666 |
Vell-os 23 (361): Report to Krane |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Vell-os (136)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: Unregistered cutoff. Accepting this mission grants Autumn Petal, Create Dart (Dart Bay), 3 Vell-os Dart fighters, and Vell-os Javelin. |
Offer Text
As soon as you glide down to land you cannot help but smile when you sense Fllyraen waiting for in the spaceport.
You shake your head, smiling in eagerness. He laughs and pokes you in the shoulder with his telekinetic 'finger'.
"Well watch closely," he says aloud, "and I will show you how..."
You sit down, preparing to follow Fllyraen's mind when suddenly your mind is filled with images of him weaving a javelin into existence around himself. After a few moments of surprise, you adjust to the different method of teaching and begin following Fllyraen's steps weave by weave until you have created a javelin of your own.
AvailBits: (P0 & b370) & !(b371 | b6666)
OnAccept: H383 G223 T25042 G225 G226 G226 G226
OnSuccess: b371
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Special (649): Renew darts
Available from: Random Non-ATMOS Gövt (161) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: N/A
Ship Location: N/A
Ship Goal: N/A
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A
Notes: Repeating mission. All three darts must be lost before this mission will be available. |
Offer Text
Do you wish to meditate to regain the psychic energy lost when your darts were destroyed?
AvailBits: b371 & !O226
OnAccept: G226 G226 G226
Vell-os 25 (411): Report Mu'hari |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As soon as you land you can sense the foreign thought patterns of a Mu'hari from across the globe. You take the trouble to go and get pictures of the Mu'hari in the local bar, so that the Bureau will be able to identify the man should they need to.
After getting the photos processed, you head back out into space with a heavy heart to report to Commander Krane.
AvailBits: (P0 & b371) & !b372
OnAccept: b417
OnSuccess: b372
OnAbort: !b417
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 26 (412): Liaise With Aurorans |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Cunjo (297) in Sender (269) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Family Moash (131)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You spend the hour sitting in a quiet corner of the bar keeping tabs on the location of Commander Krane as she flits from one corner of Bureau HQ to another. But as soon as the hour approaches she makes her way to the bar and you can sense in her a new focus.
"The Mu'hari threat is too large to deal with solely from this end," she informs you quietly. "We believe that we have located most of their network, but it would be too difficult for us to shut it down without them shutting down and going to ground. And given the skills we have seen displayed by these Mu'hari so far, we would be hard pressed to pull in more than about half of the ones we are aware of.
"So we need something else for them to focus on," she tells you seriously. "We need the Polaris to bring in as many of their resources as possible so that we can concentrate our efforts and nab as much of their network as possible in one single operation."
AvailBits: (P0 & b372) & !b373
OnSuccess: b373 b6031
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 24/24a (362/363-380,402-410): Report Mu'hari |
Available from: See Notes
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: Repeating mission. Available locations include Sirius II (146) in Sirius (148), Diva (147) in Lalande 21185 (149), Menin (149) in Lesten (167), Viking (157) in Tichel (129), Mars (158) in Sol (130), Pyrogenesis I (161) in Nesre Secundus (133), Altia (163) in Altair (135), Snowmelt (164) in Fomalhaut (136), Boral I (167) in Arcturus (138), Haven (170) in Aldebaran (141), Georgia (175) in Nesre Primus (132), Syracuse (177) in Galvan (151), Lodestone (182) in Fire (156), Spacedock I (184) in Gateway (159), Greenwich (185) in Horizon (161), Thraine (188) in Gefjon (163), Helen (194) in Eeniar (169), Ryll (195) in Porto Rillia (170), Herald (204) in Avalon (183), Moonview (207) in Moonrise (184), Notas (208) in Nadir (186), Misfire (211) in Trishka (189), Gineia (213) in Outpost 819 (191), Brass (214) in Glimmer (193), Codec (215) in Codehaven (194), GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197), Goliath (217) in South Manchester (198), and Cornwall (218) in South Manchester (198). |
Offer Text
As soon as you land you can sense the foreign thought patterns of a Mu'hari from across the globe. You take the trouble to go and get pictures of the Mu'hari in the local bar, so that the Bureau will be able to identify the man should they need to.
After getting the photos processed, you head back out into space with a heavy heart to report to Commander Krane.
AvailBits: [Vell-os 24] (P0 & b371) & !b417 [Vell-os 24a] (P0 & b371) & !(b417 | b372)
OnAccept: b417
OnSuccess: !b417
OnAbort: !b417
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 27 (413): Invade Polaris Space |
Available from: Cunjo (297) in Sender (269)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Kel'ar Iy (254) in Kel'ariy (237) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Polaris (130) and Allies
Comp Govt.: Nil'kemorya (147)
Comp Legal Reward: 30 |
Notes: Successful completion of this mission grants T1 rank, abilities, Winter Tempest and allows normal purchasing of ships and outfits. |
Offer Text
You can sense the almost arrogantly self-confident mind of Ar'Krakh moving around receiving reports and giving orders as you sit in the fairly deserted bar. The more you study the man, the more you come to admire him. You can sense his awesome sense of honor which he uses to guide his every decision, and you are more than a little impressed by his incredible physical capabilities. You can even sense his dislike of his fellow Moash warriors whom he despises as dishonorable and soft.
When he walks into the bar slightly more than three hours later he apologizes for being tardy, but you wave it away as being irrelevant. He bows in response.
"We are ready to go," he tells you after a short bow, "all we need is your guidance."
You nod and with a sinking heart remember Krane's orders to make sure that none of the Auroran ships survive the operation. You guess that the shady Moash sent the troublesome, but effective, Ar'Krakh with exactly that in mind.
AvailBits: (P0 & b373) & !b374
OnSuccess: b374 !b424 L134 K135 G224 G336 D209
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 28 (414): Speak With Llyrell |
Available from: Kel'ar Iy (254) in Kel'ariy (237)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Krypt (140)
Comp Govt.: Krypt (140)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You are forced to reach out and talk directly to the minds of the Polaris who want to hold Ar'Krakh that you wish to see him in the bar. Within minutes he is standing before you.
"What is it you want?" he asks in his silky quiet voice, and you can sense the anger he feels towards you. In response you enter his mind and show him an accelerated pace series of images detailing how you were enslaved and your life since until the moment you were able to free yourself. When you release him he looks stunned for several moments before rising and turning to look at you.
"Apology accepted," he says bowing, and you smile, happy that he understood. "I guess that I will be spending some time with these mysterious Polaris, but one day I will return to the Empire. As of today I outright renounce the Moash House and vow to bring about its downfall."
With a nod to you he turns and indicates to his gray-cloaked escorts that he is ready to go.
AvailBits: (P0 & b374) & !b375
OnSuccess: b375
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 29 (415): Speak With Krypt |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Vellos (408) in Vellos (424) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: Krypt (140)
Comp Legal Reward: 30 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you slide into one of the Kane Band's many docking bays you can sense Llyrell coming out to meet you. As soon as you drop your protective barrier he steps forward and you clasp arms as equals for the first time.
<i always knew that you were the one you have only one more step to take and i'm afraid that my orders prevent me from telling you what that is if you can make the next step then my people will have the first chance to be free in over seven centuries>
You nod, understanding that he cannot tell you how to become a T0 because he cannot teach you how to reach a level which might enable you to free him.
"Krypt?" you ask, trying to confirm your suspicions as to who you will have to see.
"No," he answers, but the fact that he answered aloud and that he has completely closed off his mind gives you his real answer.
AvailBits: (P0 & b375) & !b376
OnSuccess: b376 S800
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os Link (800): Head to Goliath |
Return to: Goliath (217) in South Manchester (198) |
Vell-os 30 (416): Attack Bureau HQ |
Available from: Goliath (217) in South Manchester (198)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Auroran Empire (129) and Allies
Comp Govt.: Polaris (130)
Comp Legal Reward: 50 |
Notes: Successful completion of this mission grants T0 rank and abilities. |
Offer Text
You can sense the Vell-os waiting for you, wondering what you have to say.
<i am going to new england to start destroying the bureau> you pass on to her without preamble <no bureau personnel will be spared>
She nods quietly and you can sense the filaments connecting her to the rest of her race pulsing as the information is passed along. You bow in her direction before heading back to the spaceport to start what is going to be an eventful few days.
AvailBits: (P0 & b376) & !b377
OnSuccess: b377 L135 K136 G337 D336
OnShipDone: |
Vell-os 31 (417): Take Llyrell to Korell |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Korell (407) in Korell (414) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: Escort |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Federation (128)
Comp Govt.: Krypt (140)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: Final Vell-os mission. |
Offer Text
As you wait in the bar you can sense Llyrell destroying all communications devices and sending all sensitive documents to a secure server somewhere else in Federation space. It doesn't take him long, but he and the rest of the Vell-os quickly and efficiently disable the entire Bureau network.
<we are ready now it is time to move on i need to go to korell to finish this>
With a mental nod, you head to the spaceport to form your Javelin and escort Llyrell to see one of the two planets that formed the Vell-os civilization of old.
AvailBits: (P0 & b377) & !b330
OnAccept: b148 S718
OnSuccess: b330 !b90 b331 b332 b333 b334 b613 b9995 A718 b9500 M472 Q25048
OnFailure: A718
OnAbort: A718 !b148
OnShipDone: |
Mission text and certain other data copyright © 2001-2003 ATMOS and Ambrosia Software, Inc. Used with permission.
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